18 Round Monteray 20 GA. Overlap Swimming Pool Liner
18 Round Monteray 20 GA. Overlap Swimming Pool Liner
Pool Liners
Our premium liners are made using the unique Lamiclear™ Process for maximum protection from pool chemicals and the sun's damaging U.V. rays. Constructed of full virgin (non-recycled) vinyl, our liners will last longer and maintain their beautiful appearance for years longer. Strong, double-welded seams will withstand winter's worst. A Swimming Pool Liner is so rugged, it is is backed by a 15-Year Warranty! This Swimming Pool liner will fit either a 48ヤ or 52ヤ tall pool, and can be installed slightly dished in the pool's center. Overlap design simply folds over the pool wall, & is very simple to install. Complete instructional how to installation guide is included free with purchase!
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